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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Workshop To Gather Ideas On McEuen Field & Front Avenue

Seems like everyone has an idea what should be done with McEuen Field and Front Avenue in Coeur d'Alene. MIG, a land planning firm that worked on the Coeur d’Alene Parks Master Plan and the Education Corridor, wants to hear yours. MIG is hosting a workshop this Thursday, March 25 at 6 p.m. at the Lake City Senior Center to gather input on what to do with the park and road in front of it.

The city is asking for citizens’ ideas on their favorite existing and possible future activities for McEuen Field. It will remain a public park and there may be improvements made to the park site.

Front Avenue has been targeted for re-construction for the past several years and will be part of the larger McEuen project discussion. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting.


Dave Walker said...

I was on the Committee of Nine that held meetings and public workshops on McEuen. Sadly, too many people believe the myths propogated by the selfish and narrow minded. Follow my blog for the truth about McEuen.

KMPO Staff said...

Thanks for the comment Dave. I read your blog entry on this subject and am curious. Since I can't 'buy you a beer' as you suggest on the blog (no government money spent on beer!), guess I'll have to ask here:

I see that you definetely don't want McEuen used the way it currently is because you say it is under utilized. You say you support improving usage, increasing green space, and minimizing the pavement and parking footprint. You never say exactly what your vision is though. Do you want it to be a park with more play equipment, fields, etc.? A polo field? How about a place to host a weekly farmer's market? A swap meet?

Just curious if you have something in mind.