I'm happy to report that we're all back from our staff retreat and there was only one injury. Sylvia suffered some road rash on her elbow during the 'Office Olympics' but is expected to recover just fine.

Apparently being outside on a sunny day turned us all into kids, as the chase to catch this uninvited guest ensued. Unfortunately for Hoppy here, it ended up with him minus one leg. If you're worried about us squandering your tax payer dollars though, don't worry. That was just during break time. We did discuss our work plan for next years, as well as goals and priorities.

Our reward for our hard work? Not only a free lunch, but also these 'medals' (to tie in to the office olympics of course) that Jenny, Steve and I made with Jenny's shrinky dink kit. That thing on the right is the first medal I attempted. Turns out the toaster oven was turned up too hot.
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