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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Take The KMPO Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Survey!

KMPO is developing a region-wide Non-Motorized Transportation Plan and we're asking for your input on it through a quick online survey. The plan will assist in the development of a bicycle and pedestrian network within the Kootenai region. It will identify policies, goals and projects, and opportunities to provide facilities like pathways, sidewalks, and bike parking.

The survey asks a variety of questions, such as how often you walk or ride your bike, where you walk or ride to, and what would get you to walk or bicycle more often. Click here for the survey, then hit the link at the top of the KMPO home page.

The survey is open to anyone who uses non-motorized transportation facilities (bike and walking paths, bike lanes, sidewalks and more) within the Kootenai region. You do not have to be a Kootenai County resident to take this survey.

Please complete the survey by March 13, and pass the word along to anyone you think would be interested in taking it. The more input we receive, the more complete of a plan we can put together.

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